Domaranmälan till Jente Talent Cup 2024

Invitation to Girls' Talent Cup

Romedal IL would like to invite you to assist as a judge or supervisor for the Girls' Talent Cup 2023
The tournaments are overall regarded as one of the tournaments in Norway besides the Norway Cup with the most teams and a high sporting level in the Elite classes.

Those judges who want and need will be accommodated at a school in the Hamar area.

Please fill in your contact information and requests for accommodation and combat missions in the form below

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Läs igenom avtalet, och godkänn det sedan nedan. Detta krävs att du godkänner för att du skall kunna gå vidare med din anmälan.

When you sign up for this tournament you understand that the match fees are as follows:
G/J11-12 years, NOK 200 as HD and NOK 100 as AD
G/J13-14 years, NOK 250 as HD and NOK 150 as AD
G/J15-19 years, NOK 300 as HD and NOK 200 as AD

Travel expenses are covered according to the NFF's rates and that referees coming from afar must travel together or attach a written approval from Trond Jacobsen if otherwise agreed.
Judges who are selected will be notified of this and no later than 4 weeks before the tournaments start. Those who sign up later than the aforementioned 4 weeks will receive continuous withdrawal emails if the need is there.
Questions should be directed to Kay Pedersen at or phone +47 92499847


Om turneringen vill kan de visa mitt namn offentligt, t.ex. för att andra domare ska kunna välja mig som partner, eller i matchtabeller i turneringens spelschema

När du har skickat in anmälan väljer du ev. partners och anger vilka tider du kan döma.